Thread: CrossFit
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Old 10-14-2013, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Well, I did my first CrossFit intro session on Sept 12th, then did my On-Ramp classes for two weeks Sept 16-27th and for the two weeks since, I have been going to the "box" 4-5x per week. I lost a couple pounds and an inch from my hips. Moreover, I already feel much stronger. I can do 3-4 strict chin-ups with a red band, and I squeezed out a single strict pull-up with no bands today too, and I've never been able to do that!
great drop and give me 20. haha. But what no kipping pull-ups?

Here is something I hope you dont see at your crossfit gym...

and on the flip side a good motivational video
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