Thread: Upgrade time !
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Old 10-13-2013, 10:04 PM
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Scythanith Scythanith is offline
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Are you affixing an RO/DI line and float valve to the ATO tank? I only ask since it looks pretty high in the cabinet and might pose a bit of a problem if bucket filling it. I foresee splashing and water in the stand and on the carpet. You're also likely to get some salt spray/creep right where your returns dump into the sump due to the angle and height of the pipe. I'd recommend either extending them into the sump space and putting another 45 on the end to direct the effluent down into the sump. That or add some sort of a lid with a couple holes for the returns to go through.

I really like it when people put the side opening panel on their stands, very smart thinking!

You can add lights later, as long as you're not trying to keep any photosynthetic animals. A simple fluorescent or LED is enough to keep fish only happy.

You're probably getting excited now!

Last edited by Scythanith; 10-13-2013 at 10:08 PM.
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