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Old 10-13-2013, 09:01 PM
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reefermadness reefermadness is offline
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Location: Woodstock, ONTARIO
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Originally Posted by WarDog View Post
Wish I could bid on these... seems like a steal at $180. Free bump.
If it goes for anywhere close to this price it will be a steal and half. Especially considering how expensive and hard it is to find the quality of some of these chalices....

As far as the US market....this pack could go for $1000 easy. Not saying that is right but Chalices are really really pretty and are probably the best LPS in terms of brightness and colour patterns. The appreciation for them has built up here in Ontario after people witness the beauty in person. It seems as though you guys out west have not seen these caliber of chalices before locally.

The good thing too is that although these ultra chalices are not "cheap" here they are relatively cheap compared to what you see in the US.

Blue Hippo is very much like the my miami chalice in the states that once fetched $2000 for a frag.

and My Crazy is very similar to JF Crazyfox chalice that once sold for over $1000 an eye and still is listed at $400 an eye http://www.jasonfoxsignaturecorals.c...ct_p/ch-34.htm

Again not so say those prices are not ridiculous but the market in the US is crazy for these types of chalices which inflates the whole market making them expensive and hard to get imported to Canada.