There is alot of mixed reviews on Melafix. Alot of postings saying that it killed things from corals to snails. Others swear by it. I'm thinking it killed something in your rocks which are still leaching out the PO4 which is being consumed by your hair algae. A freind and myself watched his tank crash before our eyes for some strange reason one day. He had a massive hair algae outbreak that lasted for 2 years. He tried everything possible to help beat it, which Dearth mentioned. Nothing at all worked and it would just get worse. Only thing that seemed to work is putting the rocks in a seperate container and letting sit for months while changing the water in the container weekly. That tank has since been shut down but another member on here has the rocks and it looks as though the hair algae is now gone. Good luck, sorry to say but it's goin to be a battle. And it will never disappear overnight as mentioned.