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Old 10-10-2013, 04:44 PM
TDP TDP is offline
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Default Custom 110 gallon tank, stand, equipment for sale Calgary

- 4' x 2' x 20" high rimless tank built by Red Coral with drilled back and "xaqua" overflow/return with custom built stand skinned with Ikea high gloss cabinet doors.
Custom built sump and 2 Eheim 1260 return pumps. Paid $1400. Asking $700.

- Aqua C 180EV skimmer with Eheim 1262 pump. Paid $500. Asking $250.

- 2 Vortech mp40w es powerheads. Paid $950 for both. Asking $600.

- 2 Maxspect G2 110 watt LED lights. Paid $1000 for both. Asking $500.

- I also have salt, sand, chemicals, and the usual supplies to maintain a full reef tank that I will throw in with the tank and stand. If someone wants to buy everything I'm asking $2050 separate but I'd sell it all together for $1500. The tank was running for two years so that's the age of the stuff. It's been sitting in my basement cleaned and dry since summer.

Thanks, Troy (sorry I can't recall how to imbed the photo directly)

Last edited by TDP; 10-10-2013 at 04:47 PM. Reason: location
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