For the record; I purchased my tickets last minute when "last call" was made over the speaker system. Since proceeds were going to charity, I bought a nice stack. I randomly put my tickets into boxes as the deadline was approaching. Before conspiracy theorists go overtime....please read below.

My haul from the raffle:
2 x $50 Gift Certificates from Aquatic Kingdom - Of which I gladly redistributed to fellow reefers close by. I won't be personally using them. Daniel and staff have always treated me well; so I thought I would re-distribute the "love"and send in other customers. For the record; most GTA LFS, if not all have treated me very well. I'm sure most LFS are tired of seeing me.
From Two Little Fishies and Reef Wholesale, a reef-care package composed of:
~ Julian's Thing
~ Veggie Mag
~ AcroPower Amino Acid Formula for SPS Corals 500 mL
~ NPX Bioplastics
~ PhosBan 150g
From Two Little Fishies and Reef Wholesale, a nano reef-care package composed of:
~ Julian's Thing
~ Nano Mag
~ AquaStik 4oz. red
I already have "Julian's Thing" - insert joke here ___________ . I LOVE "Julian's Thing" - insert 2nd joke here __________ . I have already given 1 out and will be giving the other out later to promote the product and Reef Wholesale.

The magnets and Aquastik (epoxy) I may have duplicates of in my basement....I'll probably hand those out too.
I'm curious to compare the AcroPower to my current Aquavitro Fuel. I'm keeping the NPX Bio Plastics to compare with my current Nitra-Guard Biocubes, and the PhosBan with my RowaPhos.
Flavio from Advanced Reef Aquatics kindly "hooked me up" with a brand spanking new Vertex 100 GPD with Booster Pump......"yes".....I paid for this item. lol
The only piece that I walked away with (since I'm upgrading) was a very nice Sunset Mille from MJC.....and before anyone asks...."yes"....I paid for that piece as well. Thanks guys.
In fact; it was BITTER-sweet for the Aussie pieces R2O Aquariums was selling on my behalf. I miss those pieces already. Sad; I know. lol Ryan pointed out that the Aussie Orange Frogspawn I was selling.....was in fact an Aussie Orange Octobubble. I made a nice dent in the concrete wall after banging my head against it for a while - at least it went to a good home. A big "Thank-you" to a fellow forum member for offering to babysit my trophy brain.

Enjoy your mini-donut coral.