Originally Posted by SanguinesDream
After randomly searching through the 150+ pages of this thread for a FTS, I vaguely remember searching for one a month ago to no avail.
On the excellent chance that I am wrong, I extend my sincerest apologies for my laziness and poor form. On the slim to none chance that I did not see a FTS, would you be ever so gracious to provide some pictures of your reef aquarium now?
You don't/didn't need to search all 150+ pages, just the pages labelled in
green on the first page Table of Contents. :-).
I will see about getting an updated FTS. The thing about FTS' on my tank is that they are actually quite hard to do without looking weird because of the light and stuff showing through from the other side. This challenge is more prevalent during the summer months when the sun is still up until lights out at 8pm. In the fall and winter it's a lot easier because it's dark out in the early evening so I can render the other side of the tank completely dark. Draping a curtain over the other side helped but still looked weird cuz it's hard get the curtain perfectly smooth. First world reefing problems :-)