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Old 10-09-2013, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by mrhasan View Post
I completely disagree to this. Every living thing in this world "pay" to live. Different beings pay differently. For us, its money. For fishes, one pay with his/her life to save the rest. For corals, they pay by not been able to move. Starfishes pay by leaving parts of their bodies. For tigers, they pay by waiting for the next meal.

In the end, EVERYTHING pays. We happen to pay with pieces of papers (and being from a 3rd world country, that doesn't always work too, sometimes lives are also used as a form of payment).

And to the term "slave" that you used, you can't choose yourself to be a "slave". And there's always the option of being free (or to layman's term, live what you love and go to the wild where you don't have to...umm...PAY).
In the context of the original post "pay" was used to refer to money and the monetary system...not something physical. Tomato, potato.
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