I'm feeling this dude...

I got your back haha.
There is a good documentary called "The Corporation". In the film they make the case that If a corporation was a human being, that human being would be the dictionary definition of a psychopath. The film makes a lot of good points but is kinda long and dragged out. In the end it clearly shows that the system is heavily flawed (corps have obviously done a lot to further mankind but there are always down sides). What is the solution? Corporate money in politics is not right IMO. In the states its unlimited.....the corporations and special interest groups practically run the government.
One cool alternative to a corporation is a co-op. There are worker co-ops, were the workers share ownership and member co-ops. MEC is an awesome example of a member co-op. Very cool to read about..
Not to imply that is a complete solution. I do think the way the system today is is messed up though....think about how big corporations have got in the last 50 years. Everyone shops at the name brand corporation.
Scary fact: The 6 Walton (Walmart) family members are now worth 93 billion. They are richer than the bottom 30% (108 million) of Americans.