Lol not many veiws here. But I suppose its freshwater
Anyway the rocks turned out great, but I screwed something up along the way and was having problems with the cement coating cracking... so I pulled them here's how they looked.
To my surprise they actually were quite convincing especially up close. But once they were submerged for a few days the cement was starting to crack. Even after applying drylok. M guess was I didnt let the coats cure between each coat properly.
So I change my mind and went with driftwood. Kept it open. And decided I will keep only a handful of choice Aulonocara Cichlids, one type ime that have never touched plants except to move them. So I picked up 3 show quality males a few days ago and am waiting for them to settle before adding more. Keep in mind this tank will only house them for a year until we move up to a larger tank in the basement. Here is the tank as of today- still waiting on lights so I'm rockin and old t12 light I had kickin around.