Thread: CrossFit
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Old 10-06-2013, 01:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
No, at your age the window is a couple hours at least. As you get older, timing is more important. I'd have a shake within an hour, then another hour for a solid meal. Unless you're really hungry It's not that critical at this stage.
Ah ok. I usually need to eat something right away or I will want to snack and will start pilfering the cupboards (where the bad foods are!).

For anyone looking to maximize any fat loss, avoiding insulin spikes in the morning is a good idea. Whey can cause insulin to rise, slowing or stopping any fat burning. If you're ok with not so fast a rate, the shakes for breaky are ok, but an ideal breakfast is protein and fats. Bacon and eggs works. I eat red meat and nuts for breaky, but most people don't think they would enjoy that -lol
Funny you mention that as well since getting one foot on the Paleo bandwagon I have switched half my breakfasts to bacon and eggs. I bought some "natural" bacon and breakfast ham (no preservatives, just pork, salt, and smoke) for twice the price or regular bacon of course, and will bust that out next week when I use up the last of my regular bacon. I'm a bit concerned about the salt content of bacon and ham.
~ Mindy

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