Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 10-06-2013, 12:54 AM
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As you may remember my SPS were suffering from low nutrients
I cut my GFO use in half, started feeding the corals, and near doubled the fish food

Well, the corals are bouncing back, but what I initially thought was algae is looking more and more like green and red cyano
This may explain my not so pulsing xenia ...

I tested my PO4 today and (bad me) it's up to 0.24
So now I'm back to regular GFO use, and back to siphoning the sand 'till I get this under control
I'm also skimming a little wetter than before

I'm going to try this route before jumping on the Chemiclean bandwagon

So, on the plus side, my bleached corals have gone from pale and white to colorful and some even a bit brown
The green birdsnest is almost normal again, and the green slimer is actually green. But the tricolor is mostly brown
And I guess the RBTA likes the water as it's gone from 2 to 4 since Aug

Hopefully I can find a balance sometime soon

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