Originally Posted by Myka
Right now, I'm trying to switch everything for the better, not necessarily for the best. I need steps to make it. I know I will fail and give up if I go too far too fast.
Good plan. It takes time, and to just go "cold turkey" can be tough. But I haven't eaten bread this year, haven't had sugar in years and dairy is limited to the odd spoonful of greek yogurt.
Something I find is great for morning coffee is coconut milk with a bit of coconut oil, sweetened slightly with liquid stevia. No sugar (as opposed to honey), and the fats from coconut are incredibly good for you.
My version of pizza is made with ground turkey as the crust, and healthy toppings. Finding tomato sauce with added sugar is tough, but it's out there.
The reactions to junk are funny. In Feb I had a piece of my kid's bday cake and I was high for 2 hours!! Flushed, ears hot, etc, really not a good feeling -lol
All my beef is grass fed, as the omega 3 content is so much higher. I can't find grass fed butter here, so just stick to coconut oil for most things.
One thing that I find really helps is supplementing with fish oil (if you don't eat a ton of fish) as it helps with so much. I take 5g/day. Other supplements should include zinc and magnesium, both helping with hormone function.
One thing to remember is now that you're doing something as strenuous as crossfit, make sure you eat enough to fuel the workouts AND the rest of your body function. I find that the further I do this, the more I have to eat just to continue losing weight (weird, right??). I also recommend taking some BCAA during your workout to ensure you're not burning muscle tissue. Just use powdered form in your water bottle.