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Old 10-05-2013, 02:00 PM
JmeJReefer JmeJReefer is offline
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Originally Posted by Jessie View Post
Thanks! I originally wanted a sump however, I do not have a reef ready aquarium - just a plain tank. I was going to try and remodel my aquarium but was told by my LFS that you cannot buy a pre-made overflow to silicone into a tank...they pretty much discouraged me from doing anything other than a) buying a canister filter or b) purchasing a reef ready tank and sump. I picked the less expensive option (canister) since I had just purchased this tank and couldn't return it (had goldies for 4 days in it).

I am looking into hob skimmers and how effective they really are compared to 20% weekly water changes (which in my case equals out to just over a 5g bucket so not very complicated).

Also, I will purchase powerheads tomorrow, I'm not sure if I need 1 or 2. I'm going to do some research later tonight to try and find out exactly what I need and then what I want (and then how much I'm willing to spend lol). I think I need 2 because my tank has quite a bit of rock and it all sits in the center with very little flow around the back.

I do have 2 questions, when cycling a tank with sand and rock from a previous 3 year old aquarium, should I be doing water changes (@ 20%) and cleaning the canister filter weekly?

@JmeJReefer - the canister I have claims a 303 gph flow rate, should I have gone with a higher flow rate canister? or a hob pump? What other options do I have if not a sump? TIA.
Im always astounded that an LFS promotes this canister on a saltwater tank...

Agreed to lose media in canister for plain live rock. Your Live Rock once mature and cycled will begin to act as your biological filtration.
Perhaps some sort of Chemipure Elite in there will help if cleaned regularly.

for Flow. a friend has put 2 240gph hydor K's in a 29 gallon with one aimed behind rock and low with another high and aimed toward front. Have seen no ill effects and the flow seems to be just right as he has never battled algae produced from lack of flow. (a thin film of red or green stuff with bubbles under it is an indication of poor flow)
Water changes during a cycle. I heard of doing both. Leaving until cycle completes (the water and rock and sand has "matured" in a sense) and water changing a little just to remove some nutrients and die off...since youhave no livestock or anything yet, a water changeless cycle wouldnt affect ya. the Remora Nano, and the REd sea prizm have been notably the best HoBs as far as microbubble control goes (it bugs some people, and other ppl are like,"bubbles!!!yay!" so wutever floats ur boat so to speak.
An idea for later once you've explored some options is an overflow box like Eshopps or CPR to a sump. Very simple.

Have u any test kits to monitor ur water? If not, u can take a sample to a "Top Notch" LFS like Marine Aquaria, REd Coral to test ur water for ya and offer any "real" advice in regards to ur tank. A good test kit from Salifert, REd Sea or Elos to test for nitrates, phosphates, nitrites would benefit ya.

I will say this. Things go wrong quick in nanos so once ur off to the races, weekly water changes are a must regardless of what anyone tells ya. 20% is a good start. I do almost 50% on my 14g biocube every 7 days. Have seen no ill effects from doing so, and my water parameters always stay in check.

Nice rockwork, and if ur aptasia gets going crazy, a peppermint shrimp has always worked for me but its hit or miss sometimes with the little crustaceans!!!

Nice one Bruv!!!!!!
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