Originally Posted by Timbits
Thanks Myka! I agree as well that it is proper to keep the naming consistent. I guess I will just call them black ice clowns to not make it confusing. I will keep that in mind also! Thank you! 
You're welcome. I think that is the best idea. If you want to brand them though with your own name, that is also a good idea!
Originally Posted by Timbits
The little babies are doing really well! [..] Oh ya there is also one little guy I found that is completely white, looks exactly like a Wyoming white. The only one in the whole batch. I'll try to capture a pic of him. I know Picassos produce platinums so can black ice possibly produce a Wyoming white?
That's great! Usually they make Wyoming Whites out of orange Snowflakes, but I see no reason that yours would not also be considered a WW. There has been much debate that Darwin Ocellaris (black and whites) may not actually be Ocellaris and may indeed be there own species. If that is the case, then an all white fish produced by two Black Ice would essentially be a hybrid and called something entirely different! Unless that gets proven though, yours should still be considered WW. Did I confuse that for ya?