Thread: CrossFit
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Old 10-05-2013, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
lol, I had pizza last year just because, and was sick for 2 days. I eat too clean now that if I do eat something "junky", I feel it for days. Not worth it, and I don't enjoy it now.
I can't even imagine the reaction you would have had since you've been "eating clean" for so long! I got a reaction from sugar just from being off sugar for a few weeks and I've never been a big sugar eater either. A couple days ago the other half wanted pizza really bad. I ordered a chicken pizza with green and black olives, and mushrooms. Before the pizzas arrived I ate a couple servings of veggies (green beans and fresh beets) so I wouldn't overeat, and when the pizzas arrived I scraped the toppings off mine and threw away the bread. I kind of cringed when I did it, but I can honestly say that I didn't miss the bread.

I really admire your level of dedication. I used to think I could never get like that, but I am definitely starting to see changes in my cravings. I used to love bread, but now I don't miss it. I used to have real issues with using anything but sugar in my morning coffee, now I am quite fine with just a touch of honey. I changed my yogurt to grass fed organic. I'm making my own clarified butter from grass fed organic butter because I can't find any locally yet. I switched milk and coffee cream to lactose free. I made Paleo-friendly pumpkin pie with ingredients such as coconut flour. I have removed grains from my diet to avoid GMO foods - except for popcorn once a week or so. I am on the hunt for non-GMO corn kernels, but I am not sure if they even exist anymore. I haven't been able to locate a reasonably priced source for organic and grass fed/free run meats yet - I'm working on that too. I have also cut back on fruit and really upped my veggies.

Right now, I'm trying to switch everything for the better, not necessarily for the best. I need steps to make it. I know I will fail and give up if I go too far too fast.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 10-05-2013 at 01:47 PM.
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