Thread: CrossFit
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Old 10-05-2013, 03:52 AM
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You guy aren't really putting the thread off-topic, it's really just fitness discussion.

Darryl, yes I've heard of MyFitnessPal. I do have it on my phone, and I use it for a few days in a row a couple times a month just to see what I'm doing. What is IIFYM?

I've already lost 2 lbs since starting CrossFit which is comforting. I don't think I need to lose weight but I do know that I'm 12 lbs heavier now as a truck driver than I was as a carpenter 5 years ago, plus my body fat percentage is much higher. I'm just plain ole out of shape. I've also been having some knee soreness and sciatic nerve pain in my left hip/leg, so it's time to do something before it becomes a real problem.

From my uneducated point of view, it seems the gym I picked is very good. They don't push me beyond my limits and they hold back new people from lifting heavy until the movements are well developed. The trainers all seem to know how far I can be pushed, and push me to do my best, but not so far that I am pushed beyond my limits.
~ Mindy

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