Thread: CrossFit
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Old 10-05-2013, 03:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Mostly it's used as an excuse to eat garbage. It's like Keifer's back loading, where he suggests downing a box of fruity pebbles after your workout (they're gluten free, you know!). But find someone under 8% BF using that, few and far between.
Same with IIFYM. While it's got some merits, it's loaded with excuses, and the old "everything in moderation", which, depending on your goals, will only give moderate results. The issue is every program in existence will work for somebody, but most won't work for a lot of bodies. And telling someone to eat ice cream if it fits their macros is just poor advice. Unless you're ok with not getting below 12 or 14% BF. But most physique trainees are after more, and for most, it will be a long struggle.
If you're more than casually interested in training nutrition, google Phil Learney podcasts, some great info.
I know what you are saying but the people who use it purely as an excuse to eat junk all the time don't get the point and dont know what they are doing that give it a bad name. You still have to get the bulk of your diet from good wholesome just allows you indulge a bit if you build it into your diet. a bowl of Ice cream doesnt automatically make you fat......calories and in activity make you fat.

All it is watching your calories and getting your basic macro nutrient needs met. After that you decide what you want to fill the rest of your caloric intake with. Whether you decide to have a treat or not. It basically allows you to build in some cheat, making a diet much easier to stick with. Its flexible dieting. No reason to eat 100% raw, natural "clean" foods. You are much more likely to cheat anyway if you try to do this. The good news is if you get your lean body mass up and your metabolism going you get more calories and essentially cheat a bit more.

And your very wrong about nobody using IIFYM to get super lean.....there are tons. I got to likely 10% myself this summer and I wasn't really using IIFYM just some of the principles.....I eat a lot of chicken, salad, eggs,nuts etc. but I didnt always say no to the hamburgers and ice cream either. Its not race for me.....sure I could get there faster by being more strict but ya gotta live.
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