Thread: CrossFit
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Old 10-05-2013, 03:29 AM
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Originally Posted by reefermadness View Post
I know Im not that old but I think training can definitely keep you young. Congrats on that crazy weight loss. I know the feeling about being busy but making time. I usually dont hit my basement gym till 8-9pm after the kids are down. Sometimes I dont feel like getting my butt in motion but I never regret it and its a great stress relief.
Absolutely, and the younger you start, the easier it is to stay there. I'm lucky in that my wife is really supportive and we manage schedules well. She runs long distances, so her training sessions can be 4 hours, that I would have trouble scheduling!! But it works. I train 6 days/wk this month, plus try to run 3 days. The running doesn't always happen, but gym time is a priority.
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