Thread: CrossFit
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Old 10-05-2013, 02:57 AM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
I have been doing cross training for years, I train at cooking supper, then I cross over and train at eating it

seriously thought, Brad and I got the stupid idea years ago that we needed to get in shape so we started on , what was yours that carb addict thing and I did a modified Atkins, I lost 80 lbs initially, but put 20 -30 back on, but still I think 50 lbs lighter and 10 years older is pretty good. Brad got skinny I got husky , but I started with a lot more weight than Brad, and he cheated with that running crap, I can do that due to my knees. we used to have one cheat meal a week, and that was pizza Fridays for lunch... been a long time sense we've done that...

I still have another 30 to 40lbs to lose but hockey season started today so that will get rid of about 20 of it on its own.

the whole problem is I lack motivation to do anything else as there is no medical reason for me to lose the weight, this really pees off my family Dr, as we did my physical last year and my blood work and all the tests came back better than most 20 year old athletes, so in essence I am not a walking heart attack or the poster by for diabetes, but rather at the extreme other end of the chart. i am just heavy by about 40 lbs.. which isn't really much of a motivator to do something about it.

so how do you guys who are married with no problems, work a good job, have kids and pets, ect.... get motivated to go out and do something that is just to increase your looks, no medical reasons. I can understand Mindy wanting to get stronger and increase stamina, but only wanting to lose 5 lbs this isn't an issue of looks. myself I am probably stronger and have more stamina than I did 15 years ago, so for me the concern is pure looks. if I was single and looking then it would be a no brainer.

I know what your saying but I have lifted off and on since I was 17 and I'm now 34 (married). I do it for a lot of reasons. Firstly Im not hard core about it.... I try to do it 4 times a week (doesnt always happen) but right now Im on a kick. I do it recreationally and there have been years I have taken off like when my two kids were born. I was pretty inactive for 3-4 years. I've been back at it for about a year now and I gotta say I feel so much better. I have had knee trouble in the past and I have my knees in the best shape in like 8 years. More energy for sure. I also am making a conscience effort to sleep more. I'm eating a bit better I feel like I'm not getting sick as much. God knows those little kids bring home crazy germs. In the end though I have always like the challenge of physically pushing myself. The idea of being strong and athletic in general is nice. Im not superman though.....much of my workout years were also party years and I spent a lot of time training and eating wrong.

sorry for taking your thread off Track Mindy.

Last edited by reefermadness; 10-05-2013 at 03:07 AM.
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