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Old 10-05-2013, 01:03 AM
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Madreefer Madreefer is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Prince George
Posts: 2,064
Madreefer is on a distinguished road

Welcome to canreef
I say this to all who run with a canister filter. Take out all the sponge filters and media in it and fill it with liverock rubble. It's the best thing thing filtration you can use in a canister filter. When you do clean it just use water from your water change to rinse the rubble. You can also put a nylon sack full of carbon in one if the compartments to polish your water. As for peppermint shrimps, go to a reputable LFS as quite often stores sell camelback shrimps as peppermint. You can put a chunk of prawn in a piece of pantyhose to catch bristle worms if you would like to thin them out.
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