Thank you for the great welcome! Here is a couple pics of the tank, they're not the greatest since it's just from my iphone.
My Tank1.JPG
My Tank2.JPG
AHHH, THIS hobby is NOT for the faint at heart! I have gross, gross worms crawling out of tiny holes on one of my live rocks. Bleh. Obviously night time creatures. I don't know if it's 2 or 3 or 4 or 1 with 3 heads??? lol. What ever that is it better get the heck back in the rock cause it's ugly. Well, I think all worms are ugly so this isn't especially ugly with legs or tentacles or anything. I still don't like it though. I bought this rock "used" from someone else's aquarium they were taking down, the sand is from that aquarium too. And apparently, so are the critters

I hope that is the end of the surprises.