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Old 10-02-2013, 11:51 PM
H2o2 H2o2 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: winfield b.c.
Posts: 329
H2o2 is on a distinguished road
Default not sure

I am in the starting stage of a new tank setup so I have been adding fish and corals for about 8 months . I have the 60" sunbrite V2 which I love the iphone programing + 60" of vertex Illumilux Marino blue for dawn and dusk and pop because they pop but I find myself right now in the process of adding 4 54w T5s just because my corals are just not there like they used to be in my old tank with the MH and T5s especially the purples , I now different tank but I want to try it and see , so the 100 $ every 6 months + power and heat (still have my chiller ) I will have to deal with but I have to try
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