Thread: Upgrade time !
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Old 10-01-2013, 05:31 PM
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HaZRaTTy HaZRaTTy is offline
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Yup! I'm not a Filter socks kind of guy.. I feel the benefits get out weighed by having to change and wash them at minimum once a week.

The only time I use one is if I start to stir up stuff in the sump it gets quite cloudy..

I will 2 or 3rd that you want to change and make sure everything is in order before setting it up permanently just like a house they state that it takes a family I believe 5 houses before they are happy with everything in the house.. I think it takes 10 tank builds before you're happy with how everything is setup..

I know for my next build 20 things i'm going to do differently and add/subtract.
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