Added an ozone generator to my Tunze 9016 this weekend. It is a real balancing act getting enough ozone in to affect my ORP reading but not adding so much that it escapes the skimmer/tank. I've read many warnings about ozone in the home and I'm aware that if it's detectable by your sniffer then it's bad.
The effect was amazing though. I would say that overnight my tank started showing signs of improved health. There was an obvious reduction in film algae on my glass and rocks. After my daylight period on Sunday (8 hours) I didn't even have to scrub the glass. My corals are brighter and my anemones are looking much more "perky". The fish seem to be better off too, although I have never had problems with the fish. (aside from a missing Chromis that I later discovered had tried to go for a walk).
My starting ORP was sub-one hundred and I was able to get it up to 192 within two days. Don't know if I'll be able to get it any higher without increasing the amount of ozone I'm generating. Which in turn presents a problem with it leaking from the skimmer/tank. Anyone have experience with a Tunze 9016 and ozone?