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Old 09-29-2013, 04:18 PM
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kien kien is offline
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
Do you ever have to add Mg?
Actually, I never have. I bought a 3 pump doser specifically for dosing mag as well, and i even bought a box of mag in bulk like 4 year ago (which I just threw out a few weeks ago because it was a solid mass), but when I first set up the tank I noticed that the mag wasn't really dropping. I was doing weekly or bi-weekly water changes which seemed to keep my mag high enough. I think in 4 years I've tested mag twice. The lowest I've ever seen my mag was 1250 I think it was. When I read up on mag I learned that it mostly affects how Calcium and Alk react and that a difficulty in maintaining those two levels can be a sign of low magnesium. So, instead of worrying about magnesium directly I just focussed on Calc and Alk and so long as I could maintain those levels I was confident that my mag was OK. Sure enough, my calc and alk have been easy to maintain and I've had good coral and coraline algae growth. I don't even think about mag much anymore.

Another reason why I don't pay too much attention to mag is because I really hate testing for it. After the second time I tested for Mag I decided that I didn't want to do that again, ever
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