The okanagan is not really a cold area and typically only gets a few weeks of real cold weather but with the winds off the lake it can get very chilly indeed. Some hints and tricks to retain winter heat is to put plastic over your windows either on the inside or outside weatherstrip all areas that have gaps around doors and windows. Just by doing that you will keep your house that much warmer.
I am not a fan of baseboard heaters as they are known fire starters people tend to pile crap on those and forget about it till it's too late. I do use good quality space heaters for colder rooms and I have floor fans to push the heat around but mind you I do live in a much colder climate than Kelowna so what I do may not be practical for you. My house was built in the 1970s and was based on utilitarian use rather than function so it is a heat loss magnet.
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....