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Old 09-23-2013, 10:01 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Robinbird77 View Post
Thanks for adding some further info on the survival rates ect. I don't think the price is steep.. just take the right buyer. I have it listed on another site and getting pretty close to my asking price. I do appreciate the comments.. even the kind of rude ones by people who haven't appreciated this beauty ;p in person comparing it to some **** you buy from big al's that's half dead when you bring it home for $150. lol
well actually you can compare...

you see mine was 24" in size if not larger and was the showpiece for big als display before it caught fire and i had it for 2 yrs after purchase, i sold it to a lady in reddeer who had the anemone survive a total tank crash, the anemone is currently in a highschool tank as we speak...but i guess they arnt easy to keep right??

seems comparable to me no?

so $150 or $1000....ummm ok

so how does that not compare to your "rare" anemone??

rare means they can not be gotten easily and as someone who works at a lfs these can be gotten still and i see them all the time on order lists, prob is they are usually large and do not ship well so theres a good chance when ordering it about its survival and then the cost is higher to ship large animals(ie: box space)

theres a buyer for everything so you prob will sell it , if the person is happy to pay THAT MUCH for something then i guess its a good price right?

but dont mind me and jabber on!!
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