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Old 09-22-2013, 04:02 AM
Timbits Timbits is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 249
Timbits is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
No. If you breed two SA black ice. They are still SA black ice. If you look at SA website. They even credit Another breeder for a line they have.
True. Yes, they are still SA black ice because that's their lineage. But I still think you can name them anything you want as long as its not patented.

I found a quote from Matthew Carberry, President of SA - "SA hasn’t and has no plans to trademark a fish/coral name. I’m happy about this too–it makes a consistent presentation to the hobbyist/trade that makes it easier to see what you are getting. We call our fish “SA XXX” just to designate where they were bred versus another breeder working on the same morph. Use of different names for the same morph is confusing to the hobbyist.”
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