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Old 09-21-2013, 12:43 PM
liz_au liz_au is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Edmonton, Ab
Posts: 23
liz_au is on a distinguished road

Yeah I know, I normally fed him NLS pellets and raw prawn and he picked at the algae sheets when I put them out for the tang too, and ate all my smaller snails and crabs.
It was only when he was feeling sulky the only thing he would look at was raw prawn (or fresh snails but that gets expensive)

I just figured when it was suggested he was just blocked up it was the only thing I could think of as he visually looked in great health, and was quarantined and dipped both when he arrived at aquarium illusions, and when I got him home before he went into the tank and had been fine for 2 months.

Anyone have any idea what it would have been so it can be avoided in the future?
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