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Old 09-17-2013, 09:06 PM
liz_au liz_au is offline
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Default Harlequin tusk sick :( Help ASAP

My harlequin tusk has been sulking for the past 5 days, I have tried to encourage him out for food with very little success.
he appeared today and I noticed his vent appears to be very inflamed, and the lower portion of his tail is a little raw from sitting on the ground in his cave for so long.
Any ideas what could be wrong with his pooper and how to make him better?
All water peramiters appear to be great, I am running zeo vit and doing weekly water changes, the only thing that appears off is the Kh is a little low (around 8) and the nitrates are still a little higher than I would like, (less than 5, but certainly not zero)
I have been dosing the food that I can get him to eat (raw prawns) in selcon and garlic guard. And I have also upped my dosage of ammuno vital
Any other recommendations?

Here is the best pic I could snag of his poor little vent.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, he is my favourite little guy and I would hate to lose him
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