Looking for Local Aquarium Builder
Hello folks,
this is my first post to the forum, although I have been a member for some time.
I have a 130g mixed reef tank that has been running for a some time now and
I am looking into the costs of building a larger tank. However, since it is going into my basement, it will have to be a custom build, and built on premise due to limited basement access.
Can anyone recommend some one in the GTA that will custom build on premise? I need the tank and sump built as well. It will be roughly 1200 liters for the tank...and most likely an acrylic 400 liter sump.
Again ...just to put things in perspective...I am still very much trying to establish a reasonable budget before I actually go ahead with this major project.
Thank you in advance.
370 Gallon Mixed Reef,11 x Hydra52, 2 x Apex Controllers, Reef Octopus Skimmer, dual 2600 g/h returns, 120g sump. Mag, Cal. and Alk dosing. Carbon reactor and Algae Scrubber.