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Old 09-16-2013, 09:07 PM
Kryptic4L Kryptic4L is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 354
Kryptic4L is on a distinguished road

Just wanted to post some updates, as its been awhile, Since I posted last.

I lost pretty much every fish in my tank, 2 clowns-3 anthias, a blenny, a powder blue, a mandarin a cleaner shrimp over the coarse of a weekend a few months back. so the tank had been sitting with just the ruby head wrasse the canary wrasse and the leopard wrasse.

Im not sure if it was all the base rock decided to cycle, or if it was ich that irradicated the tank, as I cant remeber if the cleaner shrimp dissapeared that same weekend. Regardless. New purchases came to a stand still.

I had been fighting with my skimmer off and on for sometime, everytime the cup got half full it just randomly overflowed within a night. and finally have now gone a month or so without this happening. However the skimmate production isnt half of what it was, im not sure if this is a result of a lowered amount of crap in the tank. Eventually I may look into getting another skimmer but for now its doing the trick.

Finally got into clearing a bucketful of caulerpa racemosa from my tank, This will be my on going battle of this tank I guess. Picked up a few emeralds recently in hopes they may help with this. Regadrless they will help with the crew.

Picked up two new clowns and a sailfin, both seem to be doing excellent in the tank so far. and always happy for feeding time.

The best thing I have done with this tank was my water change system, I have never been this ontop of my changes, best money spent by a longshot. No more buckets - less spills - 10 minutes start to finish for a 30 gallon water change. LOVE IT...

Two clownfish were in a tank. One says to the other, how do i drive this thing?
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