Thread: CrossFit
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Old 09-16-2013, 01:12 AM
nrosdal nrosdal is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: kelowna, bc
Posts: 525
nrosdal is on a distinguished road

Good luck Mindy, I love it. Just take your time and make sure the coaches are good and not just programming random things. A good CF gym will actually put some thought into it and not just trying to kill you every day. Also, be careful with the fast progression and don't hesitate to take a day or week off if something hurts(more the muscle soreness.. because there will be plenty of that).

I can say from experience that if you have a little injury and push through it can set ya back quite a bit with a big one ( i tore my pec off the bone in December and am just able to get back at it starting few weeks ago). I was the guy that Brad described earlier (a silly goose).

But you will know after a few weeks how it is. Usually a love or hate kinda thing. Should get great results if ya show up
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