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Old 09-13-2013, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by BowedFloor View Post
I have a Super Reef Octopus 3000 internal. It's got the water blaster pump on it, not the newer diablo DC motor.

It's completely silent. I don't hear air sucking in, I don't hear water moving around, it skims really really well, and pulls tons of junk out of the water.

I've only owned SRO skimmers, so I can't comment on others... but I really like mine.

I know SRO is spendy, but imo this was worth it.
I have two Diablo Octopi 300 with the DC motor and I love them except for when I have to clean out the collection cups; then I'm cursing their efficient design because the skimmate is just disgusting coming out. They're silent as can be, easy to tune in, and do a great job at skimming.
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