Thread: cheato??
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Old 09-11-2013, 11:56 PM
AdrianC AdrianC is offline
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Originally Posted by darkreef View Post
I find cheato did nothing for my tank, but I have it in there for my pod population.
Get a few emerald crabs and do a 15% water change everyday for three days blowing off all the rocks with a turkey baster(make it snow! Corals love it) . This starve the algae and gives the crabs a head start. In my 33 gallon. I have three nice sized ones... And not an lick of algae anymore after a week but don't forget to vacume there poop or it will come back . And I had every rock covered and glass. But the glass your going to have to use a little bit of elbow grease . And any stubborn rocks a toothbrush . Cheato kinda prevents it . But algae can store detritus in its stocks so you have to get rid of it. Hope this helped it worked for me!
Thanks i will look into that as well. I have mostly used my tooth brush for just major issues. (minus the areas with bubble algea) been using my gravel cleaner with all circ off to remove those.. I added the cheato yesterday water seems clearer, my torch has never been more open than it is today.. I being optimistic so far, and deligent on manual removal. Thanks again everyone for your input, it has given me a few new things to consider.
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