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Old 09-20-2002, 12:01 AM
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

Superfudge posted as follows

"98% of us do not purchase the fish to NOT give them anything less than our best care"
Perfect [img]smile.gif[/img]
So how do we do that.
1. By reading books about the fish we keep, visiting online sites such as canreef.
2. By joining clubs like Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton
3. By learning from those people who already have the experience with the species of fish we are interested in.

As reefer Ryan7 posted in the prizm skimmer thread
"The so called tang police are nothing more than a group of reefers experienced in keeping tangs who are more than happy to share their experience with all of us."
So why is it necessary for some of us to purchase powder blue tangs only to have them die in our tanks and take most of the existing healthy fish with them?
So why is it necessary to try to reinvent this whole tang tank size issue to justify our keeping tangs in less than optimal conditions?
In my opinion we owe it to the critters we keep and our hobby to be concientious reef keepers.
The days of filling our tanks with impossible to keep species and, species unsuitable for our tanks are over.
It is simply not acceptable.
I am in the beginnings of setting up a new reef tank. I am looking forward to your sharing your experience with me.
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