I've searched the "Pictures" section and couldn't find a "Show Off" thread so I thought I'd start one. Don't be shy. Anemones DO NOT have to be "ultra", expensive, or uber rare (but it doesn't hurt lol

jk). We keep them because we enjoy their beauty and some have sentimental value. I have a soft spot for anemones and have enjoyed collecting, nurturing, and the occasional (feeble) attempts at "rescuing" some that were in rough shape.
I'll add more pics from my display and sump as time allows. In the meantime.....enjoy. Pictures below have NOT been altered or 'Photo Shopped'. I've tried to provide pictures under different lighting conditions to provide an overall perspective. Some were taken with a camera phone. Cheers.
One of my favourites: Stichodactyla haddoni - Red Carpet (arguably a "Rainbow Carpet" - I'll let the viewer decide)
This is how it looked at the lfs under T5s:
Acclimating in my Sump under LEDs: