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Old 09-09-2013, 11:18 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 1,591
ScubaSteve is on a distinguished road

Oh man, I've had a few good ones along the way...

1) Had my first run in with a hammer coral during the first couple of months in the hobby (was actually looking after a friend's tank). While I was cleaning the tank the hammer was going all sweeper happy, which of course wrapped around my hand. Didn't think anything of it at the time but an hour later I had 4 blistered lash marks around my hand that stayed for almost 1.5 months - last time I had a marine sting like that was when I got tangled up in a lion's man jelly while diving. Surprised a hammer could still like that? I sure as hell was! I handled that hammer many times after and never had that happen again.

2) I have a handy-dandy foot switch for turning a pump on and off in my water change bucket so that I don't have to lift big buckets of water. Stick the hose in the tank, tap the footswitch and fill. Easy as pie. That is until you're not paying attention, pour a gallon of saltwater on the footswitch, zap the **** out of yourself and, in the process of falling backward, spray gallons of saltwater around the living room because the pump is still running. Footswitch is now waterproof with a killswitch...

3) Too many bristleworm encounters to count, but I'll always remember the epic wrestling match with a 12" bristle worm who refused to let go of the rock (I picked a 5 lb rock up out of the tank using the worm). When he finally let go of the rock, I lost my grip on him and he flipped back and landed in the rubber glove I was wearing. He was laughing but I got the last laugh as he swirled around the porcelain fish tank.

4) Sliced my hand open on fresh cut glass.

5) While screwing my new DIY LED fixture together my screw driver slipped and stabbed me in the hand.
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