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Old 09-09-2013, 08:37 PM's Avatar is offline
Second Best
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 1,571 is on a distinguished road
Default Injuries cause buy your tank

Sliced open my wrist pretty good Christmas morning while cutting glass to build my nano tank. Told my wife the blood everywhere was just food colouring that I spilt and she bought it

Also numerous cuts from exacting knives white cutting tanks apart to replace glass on them

Then there's all the fish related injuries

My 3' long bamboo shark decided to eat my hand

My 8" sailfin tang sliced open my wrist

And a 4" orange shoulder speared me 6 times while trying to revive him because he stopped breathing after a medication dip as a last effort to save him (he's still alive today and I still hate him)
Guide to building super awesome rock structures / my tank journal
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