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Old 09-19-2002, 09:13 PM
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

Actually Troy, it was the 180. My yellow is in the 170. However your correct, in that it could have been a thousand things. They are very fragile, when that young.

My post saying they should be kept in smaller tanks, was just for captive raised baby hippo,s.

A lot of advice on tank sizes for large fish, were supposed to be in general, {talking all boards here}. If the new aquarists, keep on putting them in their 20g/undergravel filter systems,{as is done everywhere}, the import and useless slaughter of wildlife will continue.

Its the same as the anemone issue. It was supposed to be in a general form, that people were telling new aquarists they were harder to keep. Flame wars were fought over that also. Then someone, :rolleyes: said, just feed them, and they dont even require much light. :( So now nobody says much about keeping some of the species and most new aquarists, give it a try.

Come here for a visit and I will take you to a store, where bleached seabaes are sold on a regular basis to aquarists, with their 20 gal tanks, little lighting and no knowledge. Lets just keep ripping them from the ocean. :(

There are posters on both sides of the arguments, that cant see the trees for the forest. They have to wade in with crap, directed at someone in person, about their tank being to small, and then someone on the other side calling everyone that says that, an idiot,etc,etc. I have seen it over & over.

You know whats suffering. Perhaps not the tangs in sff,s tank, or a friends 60 gal. with a fat, happy yellow, etc. Its the above mentioned large fish & anemones & some hard to keep species of corals, because experienced aquarists are starting to say the hell with it, because of a few, in every post on this topic, on every board.

A couple years ago, with the advent of all the boards, some of the posts were actually making a difference. Now, {as with tangs}, its a big freakin, tang police joke and that,IMO, is a crying shame.

Diomedes, although I dont agree myself, I like your post. Bringing up the topic like you have, with a decent argument on your behalf, cant help but do the hobby good. Regardless if correct or otherwise, it is in your opinion, and the way you have put it, is the way a response should be to some of these types of posts. A lot more aquarists would then see good opposing views, instead of name calling and flame wars,{in general}.

I once said I would never again post on one of these threads, {but now I have opened my big mouth}. Its just to impotant of a topic to stay out of. Hope this keeps on going, with good posts.

However, right now, I have to go watch Survivor. :D
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