combining hyposalinity and copper is very risquy. I am surprised that the fish are still alive. It is hard to control free copper in low salinity.
I would not use copper for ick, it is way too strong med to cure ick and it is not necessary. Hyposalinity alone is enough and gentle on the fish. A one hour dip in Paraguard before introducing the fish to the QT, right on arrival after acclimation is a very good way to clean a fish right from the begining.
Originally Posted by neoh
Seconded. I got about $500 worth of stock from a reliable source - were healthy and eating, then a fish died, then another, and another - by the time I could notice, they all had marine velvet. The two that made it are in a 33g tank QTing for the last three weeks with copper, high temperature and low salinity. So far they have had a huge improvement and are eating twice a day like pigs.
Always quarantine!