The story so far..
The stand has been painted black but I have yet to add the door on.
What is it with me and doorless stands?
I've purchased a new refractometer and a new heater. I decided I wanted another one of these... because I am a spoiled brat. I bought the 100 watt.
I have
a small Koralia powerhead
Fluval E series heater 100 watt
Hydor slim skim
1 small bucket of h2ocean salt
1 kessil a150 in ocean blue
bag 0' sand
vertex refractometer
I have rock coming in the next few days. My tank that I was going to piece together over a "few months" kind of came together in under a week...
I am looking at the new tunze NANO osmolator thoughts?
I had the original osmolator before but this one happens to be 100 dollars less and rated for a smaller tank is all.