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Old 09-19-2002, 06:08 PM
Diomedes Diomedes is offline
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

Yeah, I think trading in fish to an LFS is a reality, and has been one, for some time...I didn't start with a 180, so I had to trade fish in or give them to other hobbyists that had larger tanks. I would keep a small 1 to 1.5 inch blue tang in a 33 gallon, but when it got to 2.5-3 inches I would trade it up immediately. Troy, you said "We do know certain things about a lot of the species. One of these is size and swimming behaviours" I agree on one level, but the point I am trying to make is that "swimming behaviors" are searching for food, initiating/fulfilling reproductive needs, competeing for resources, escaping predation etc. The amount a fish swims in the wild is determined by these factors. Now since we have eradicated or changed these 4 needs doesn't that also change the behavior used to fulfill them? I know we differ on many of these points, but this is not homework, as Sumpfinfishe alluded to (the calculations were ;) ) but sound ecological theory that we are taught...when you take away the influences in the wild that produce natural behavior, what behavior then becomes natural for an organism? I can't say I know, I just think it is an interesting question...Thanks for your input on my question though, I hope Stephane is Wrong about the kids war :rolleyes:
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