Thread: Quarantine Tank
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Old 09-05-2013, 03:24 AM
Alberta-newb Alberta-newb is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Carstairs, Alberta
Posts: 227
Alberta-newb is on a distinguished road

You will probably get a lot of different opinions on QT procedures. I used to go without, but now that my investment is so much larger I don't take risks. I QT all new fish a minimum of 6 but usually 8 weeks. Once a fish is in QT first thing I do is make sure it's eating well. Once it is I first do two weeks of prazi-pro for parasites. Once that's done a minimum of 4 weeks copper (cupramine) or for sensitive species, chloroquine phosphate. Sometimes prazi, copper or CP will affect appetite so that's why I make sure it's eating well and is healthy first.

In the event the fish comes down with anything, I will change my schedule and medicate accordingly (example: I see ich in the first week I go straight to copper or CP.)

As for the QT tank itself, nothing fancy a 10 or 20 gal is usually sufficient depending on size and number of fish. For filtration a cheapie HOB aquaclear works great. I keep extra sponges in my display so there's always active bacteria when I need to set up the QT. a heater is needed as well, lighting not necessary. If space is limited, it could always be set up in a closet or on the kitchen counter.

Live rock, I like to keep fish less for 10 weeks if I have the room to make sure it's ich free although I've cut back to 8 weeks if I'm confident of the source.

Sounds like a long time, but beats having to tear apart your reef because you got ich, brook or velvet.
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