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Old 09-05-2013, 02:30 AM
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fireguy98 fireguy98 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: port moody
Posts: 93
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Talking Prices

Okay so sorry for the delay but life has been crazy. Prices are fair in my opion all equipment has been cared for and looked after. Things like Chiller is flushed every 5 months pumps are pulled apart and cleaned every 5 months mp 10 wet sides are soaked every other water changed. I take care of my stuff its not beat up at all.
How this will have to go is simplely livestock first then rock then I will part with the equipment. I am sure you all understand. All live stock is very healthy and thriving.
Equipment prices:
Rsm 250 black with stand and new bulbs $600 will throw in cleaning stuff extra goodies
Eco pluse 1/10 hp chiller $440 with Tunze silent pump system 1 year old
Mp 10’s WES 2 of them $440 for the pair
Test kits: Elos CA one new,one used 4 times $30 for pair, Mg 1 one new one, one used 4-5 times $30 pair, Low range Phos $25 used 1 time….
Vertex RODI 100 GPD new filters $275
Reef Keeper lite $80
Tunze ATO $160
Marine color triple dosing pump NEW IN BOX $100
Live stock:
Fish will go as package 1 Solar Wrasse 1 Diamond head goby 1 bi color blenny 2 clowns 1 tuxedo urchin 1 brittle star black 2 cleaner shrimp all for $80 also 1 glass cardinal that has most of his tail chomped off but is doing well so he keeps soldiering on. Not sure who went at him. also 2 turbo snails.
Rose bubble tip nems I have 4 of them all healthy started as one small one. they are all good size now. I really don’t see any way of removing them from the rock with out damaging there feet so I will sell all four of them with the piece of rock for $160. You wont find healthy nems like these at any of the stores for that price.
Fiji rock pest free I have zero aptasia good coloration 55 lbs $3 a lb or all for $140
Sand is Carib Sea Reef grade stuff 80 Lbs 5 months old $40 changed when we moved
No low balls please pricing is fair in my opion as mentioned before this is a well looked after set up.
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