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Old 09-04-2013, 09:49 PM
worstist worstist is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 3
worstist is on a distinguished road

It was a steady increase in nitrate over a few weeks.
I have a 1.5-2" sandbed in my tank.
The tank didn't have light until last week-ghl mitras.

So I tested it once more and again 0 Ammo Nitrite 20 Nitrate.

I think I'm going to get 5-7 Blue-Green Chromis when I can go to my LFS.

I'm still waiting on my skimmer Vertex Alpha 200.

I have bought a BRS dual media reactor Carbon/GFO, it hasn't been setup yet. I'm not sure when would be a good time to set it up.

I plan to run Brightwells MB7 and BioFuel on my tank. Again, not sure when is a good time to start it. But definitely after I get my skimmer broken in and running good.
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