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Old 09-03-2013, 11:03 AM
Basile Basile is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Gatineau Ottawa Canada
Posts: 281
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GRRRRRRRRR i whish i'd known these little details before comitting, the price of learning , but the deed is done. I belong to a club and we meet regulary and they all had one so i signed up for one we're all in the same city and these guys know more about this than me. I'm not new to the hobby , but part of it is chineese to me . Anything revolving around plumbing is off my scanner, now i know the price of it. I've been out of the hobby to long too and things are happening very fast now, the tanks are arriving in 3 weeks from Concept Aquariums. Thanks guys for the info i'll munch on that for a while . I thought this was going to be an easy buy it appears not, LOL food for thoughts.....their's was no answer yesterday anywhere to find out about TDS and to my other questions.

Last edited by Basile; 09-03-2013 at 11:06 AM.
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