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Old 09-03-2013, 03:26 AM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Basile, what's your tapwater TDS ?
Yes, this & what's your water pressure? You may not need a booster pump. Why complicate matters? For less than $20 you should be able to score a water pressure gauge & handheld TDS meters are also available these days for about $10, usually in the recreational vehicle department of WalMerde or Crappy Tire. Do a little research on your source water before you buy & you can save money, keep things simple. More automation is not necessarily better. Keep in mind that every time you flush your membrane, water is still flowing through your carbon stage, so its chlorine removing capacity is being depleted at a faster rate. I'm still on my original membrane after over 4 years using a manual flush of a minute or so before & after production. Not a big chore.

Something I forgot to mention in my earlier post is that I've noticed after every flush cycle, the TDS out of the membrane creeps up several points until it settles in again. So frequent auto flushes are going to be hard on your DI stage.
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Last edited by mike31154; 09-03-2013 at 03:29 AM.
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