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Old 08-31-2013, 04:19 AM
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Ram3500 Ram3500 is offline
Han Solo
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Langley
Posts: 294
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I haven't done a update on my tank journal for some time I have just been so busy with work summer as I'am sure you can all relate.
In case your wondering the new upgrade tank was doing great ! All the corals sps were responding well and encrusting and growing nicely .
But it happened to me I have been dealing with a huge tank crash I think I have lost around twenty or so corals. It started with a little bleaching and than it just went out of control from there .
What I have left is a few zoanthids and a green and red monti cap . I have had a salt water tank for the last five years . I started with a 33 gal and than a 90 gal and just last march I got my custom 152 gal so this is not new to me but the crash was .
Since I have a lot of room I thought I would post some pictures of the new aquascaping . It give the tangs lots of room to swim around . There is lots of sweet new spots for new sps frags !!!!

Sorry for the crappy iphone photos . The little man has been a big help withe the crash he is allways up for a water change
Keep calm and reef on
Tank Journal
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